Come, be the change

As simple as being a building volunteer to see needy individuals and families get an opportunity to have a home. To be a voice for a voiceless. We seek to expand the outreach of our organization with the people standing with us.

Our demographic is not limited to any particular group / culture or age, so you are able to have access to all means of volunteering opportunities with us through our social media platforms and our website, newsletters, and through our nonprofit partners.

We connect with volunteers and partners through meetings and use video messaging for those who are not local to discuss our strategies and collaborate on ideas / keep everyone informed about what we're doing, how we're doing it, and where projects will be to become involved with.

Volunteer interest form

Make A Donation

Let’s make something great together

Your gift makes a difference. Each dollar supports the empowerment of people in poverty through natural rebuilding, education and knowledge.